Franšizing kao poslovni model i uticaj koji ima na konkurenciju
Abstract: There are different business models of business entities. When starting your own business, it is necessary to have an elaborate business strategy in which business entities must count on what popularity their products or services will have. Successful business depends on a number of factors, the most important of which are the possibility of entering the market and the degree of competitiveness of business entities operating in that market. Regardless of the business strategy, business entities that operate independently take a greater risk of possible business failure. Business entities that are independently starting business, already at the beginning, are faced with problems of entering the market. The problems are mainly related to the existence of administrative barriers, high taxes, difficulties in financing, the strength of competition, and the time needed to develop a business and build its own market position. There is a business model that can reduce the risk of independent business, while being profitable and bring business success to an economic entity that opts for this type of business. It is about franchising as a business model that refers to running your own business under the name of a well-known brand. The paper will show and explain what franchising is, its emergence and development, the basic characteristics and types of franchising, the franchising agreement, the prohibited agreements and exemptions from the prohibition in competition law, and with that, franchising as a restrictive vertical agreement and the impact it has on market competition.
Key words: franchising, franchising agreement, market competition, prohibited agreements, restrictive vertical agreements
Rezime:Postoje različiti modeli poslovanja privrednih subjekata. Prilikom pokretanja vlastitog posla potrebno je imati razrađenu strategiju poslovanja u kojoj privredni subjekti moraju računati na to kakvu popularnost će imati njihovi proizvodi ili usluge. Uspješno poslovanje zavisi od niza faktora, od kojih su najbitniji mogućnost ulaska na tržište i stepen konkurentnosti privrednih subjekata koji posluju na tom tržištu. Bez obzira na strategiju poslovanja privredni subjekti koji posluju samostalno preuzimaju veći rizik mogućeg poslovnog neuspjeha. Privredni subjekti koji samostalno kreću sa poslovanjem, već na startu se susreću sa problemima ulaska na tržište. Problemi se uglavnom odnose na postojanje adminstrativnih barijera, visokih poreza, poteškoća u finansiranju, jačini konkurencije, te vremenu potrebnom za razrađivanje poslovanja i izgradnji vlastitoga tržišnoga položaja. Postoji model poslovanja koji može smanjiti rizik samostalnog poslovanja, a da pri tom bude profitabilan i donese poslovni uspjeh privrednom subjektu koji se odluči za takvu vrstu poslovanja. Radi se o franšizingu kao modelu poslovanja koji se odnosi na vođenje vlastitog posla pod imenom nekog poznatog brenda. U radu će se prikazati i objasniti šta je to franšizing, njegov nastanak i razvoj, osnovne karakteristike i vrste franšizinga, ugovor o franšizingu, zabranjene sporazume i izuzeća od zabrane u pravu konkurencije, te franšizing kao restriktivni vertikalni sporazum i uticaj koji ima na tržišnu konkurenciju.
Ključne riječi: franšizing, ugovor u franšizingu, tržišna konkurencija, zabranjeni sporazumi, restriktivni vertikalni sporazumi.