Human Right Detained Person in Detention Centre in International Crime Court

Autori članka: 
Vladimir M. Simović
Godina izdavanja članka: 
Broj u godini: 
Apstrak članka: 

Human Right Detained Person in Detention Centre in International Crime Court

Abstract: The ICC Detention Centre is located within a Dutch prison complex in Scheveningen - on the outskirts of the Hague. All detained persons in ICC shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person. There shall be no discrimination of detained persons on grounds of gender, age, race, colour, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, wealth, birth or other status. The detention record of each detained person shall be confidential. When a detained person arrives at the detention centre, he or she shall be provided with a copy of these Regulations and the Regulations of the Registry relevant to detention matters in a language which he or she fully understands and speaks. Discipline and order shall be maintained by the Chief Custody Officer in the interests of safe custody and good administration of the detention centre. A detained person shall be informed of his or her right to communicate fully, where necessary with the assistance of an interpreter, with his or her defence counsel or assistants to his or her defence counsel. Every detained person shall be entitled: to participate in a work programme; to keep in his or her possession authorised clothing and personal items for his or her use; to procure reading and writing materials and other items for the purposes of recreation and education; to keep himself or herself regularly informed of the news by way of newspapers, periodicals and other publications, radio and television broadcasts; to the use of a common space equipped with reading and writing materials, a television, radio and computer, which shall be provided for the general use of all detained persons; to a period of exercise in the open air of at least one hour per day; to engage in sporting activities; to receive correspondence, mail and packages and to communicate by letter or telephone with his or her family and other persons.
Detained person shall be entitled to receive visits and practise his or her religion or belief. Arrangements shall be made by the Registrar to protect the health and the safety of detained persons. Men and women shall be detained in separate areas within the detention centre. A detained person shall have the right to file a complaint against any administrative decision or order or with regard to any other matter concerning his or her detention.
Key words: human right, detained person, detention centre, defence, entitled of detained person, regulation, International Crime Court.

Prava pritvorenih lica u pritvorskoj jedinici međunarodnog krivičnog suda

Rezime: Pritvorska jedinica Međunarodnog krivičnog suda (ICC) je locirana u pritvorskom kompleksu Datch (Dutch) u Ševeningenu (Scheveningen) u predgrađu Haga. Svi pritvorenici u ICC će biti tretirati humano sa nerazdvojivim dostojanstvom kao ljudsko biće. Pritvorenici se neće razlikovati u odnosu na teritoriju, pol, godine, rasu, boju kože, jezik, religiju ili vjersko uvjerenje, političko ili drugo opredjeljenje, nacionalnost, etničko ili socijalno porijeklo, imovno stanje, rođenje ili na osnovu nečeg drugog. Svi podaci uzeti od pritvorenika se smatraju povjerljivim. Po dolasku u Pritvorsku jedinicu svakom pritvorenom licu će se obezbijediti kopija propisa Sekreterijata suda koji su vezani za pritvorska pravila na jeziku koji on ili ona u potpunosti razumije i govori. Upravnik Pritvorske jedinice će obezbijediti disciplinu u cilju osiguranja bezbjednosti i reda u pritvoru. Pritvorenik će se informisati o njegovim ili njenim pravima u vezi sa komunikacijom ili pružanja asistencije od strane branioca, prema potrebi uz asistenciju prevodioca. Svaki pritvorenik ima pravo: učestvovati u radnom programu; zadržati ličnu odjeću i stvari; posjedovati i koristiti materijale za čitanje i pisanje, kao i druge materijale za rekreaciju i usavršavanje; informisati se putem novina i drugih publikacija kao i putem radija i televizije; koristiti klub koji je opremljen sa materijalima za čitanje i pisanje, radiom i računarom; jedan sat vježbi na čistom zraku u toku dana; učestvovati u sportskim aktivnostima; primate pisma pakete i komunicirati putem pisama ili telefona sa svojom familijom ili drugim licima.
Pritvorenik ima pravo primati posjete i upražnjavati svoje religijske potrebe. Sekreterijat će obezbijediti uslove za zaštitu zdravlja i bezbjednosti pritvorenika. Muškarci i žene će biti odvojeni u posebne rejone u okviru Pritvorske jedinice. Pritvorenici imaju prava podnošenja prigovora protiv svake odluke ili naređenja, kao i druge odluke u vezi smještaja u pritvoru.

Ključne riječi: ljudska prava, pritvorenik, pritvorska jedinica, odbrana, prava pritvorenika, pravilo, Međunarodni krivični sud.