Legal Nature of Liability Insurance

Autori članka: 
Vladimir Čolović
Godina izdavanja članka: 
Broj u godini: 
Apstrak članka: 

Legal Nature of Liability Insurance

Summary: The question of the legal nature of liability insurance is a subject of constant attention, given the specifi cities of this type of insurance relating to the subject matter of insurance, the status of the insurer in the contract, the goal of the insured to be reached by concluding the contract on this type of insurance, the obligation to report the occurrence of the insured event, the status of the third injured party, etc. The author gives several opinions on the legal nature of this type of insurance, and also analyzes many institutes regarding the conclusion and execution of liability  insurance contracts. The liability insurance belongs to the property insurance, but there are many diff erences. These diff erences lead to more questions, which primarily concern the liability of the insured as a subject matter of insurance, the possibility for a third injured party to make a direct claim for compensation against the insurer, and the limited amount of insurance. Particular attention is paid in the paper to the relationship of the insured and the insurer, as well as the relationship of the third injured party and the insurer. In addition, the author refers to certain provisions of the Act on Obligations in this area, as well as the provisions of the German Act on Insurance Contracts, which regulates in a much more detailed way some issues related to the legal nature of liability insurance. The paper concludes that liability insurance also includes the public interest, which relates to the protection of third parties, whether or not they can be determined.

Key words: liability insurance, insured, third injured party, insurer, direct claim, professional liability.


Rezime: Pitanje pravne prirode osiguranja od odgovornosti izaziva stalnu pažnju, obzirom na specifi čnosti ove vrste osiguranja koje se odnose na predmet osiguranja, status osiguravača u ugovoru, cilj osiguranika koji posti že zaključenjem ugovora o ovoj vrsti osiguranja, obavezu prijave  nastanka osiguranog slučaja, status trećeg oštećenog lica, itd. Autor u radu navodi nekoliko mišljenja o pravnoj prirodi ove vrste osiguranja, a analizira i mnoge insti tute koji se ti ču zaključenja i izvršenja ugovora o osiguranju od odgovornosti . Osiguranje od odgovornos ti spada u osiguranje imovine, ali postoje i mnoge razlike. Upravo te razlike dovode do postavljanja više pitanja, koji se, pre svega, ti ču odgovornosti osiguranika kao predmeta osiguranja, mogućnosti da treće oštećeno lice postavi direktan zahtev za naknadu štete prema osiguravaču, kao i ograničenosti
sume osiguranja. U radu se posebna pažnja poklanja odnosu osiguranika i osiguravača, kao i odnosu trećeg oštećenog lica i osiguravača. Osim toga, autor se osvrće na pojedine odredbe Zakona o obligacionim odnosima u ovoj oblasti , kao i odredbama Zakona o ugovorima o osiguranju Nemačke koji na mnogo detaljniji način reguliše neka pitanja vezana za pravnu prirodu osiguranja od odgovornosti . U radu se zaključuje da osiguranje od odgovornosti u sebi sadrži i javni interes, koji se odnosi na zaštitu trećih lica, bez obzira da li se ona mogu odrediti ili ne.

Ključne reči: osiguranje od odgovornosti , osiguranik, treće oštećeno lice, osiguravač, direktan zahtev, profesionalna odgovornost.