Notarial will

Autori članka: 
Đorđe Raković
Godina izdavanja članka: 
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Testament sačinjen pred notarom

Rezime: U sklopu sveopšte reforme građanskog zakonodavstva 2004. godine u pravni sistem Republike Srpske uvedeni su notari. Regulisanjem notarijata prevashodni cilj zakonodavca je rasterećenje sudova, tj. preuzimanje određenih poslova od notara iz nadležnosti sudova. U tom cilju, jedan od značajnijih poslova koje sudovi mogu povjeriti notarima jeste i sačinjavanje testamenta. Testament sačinjen pred notarom ima značaj javnog testamenta, jer se, između ostalog, prilikom njegovog sačinjavanja primjenjuju odredbe Zakona o nasljeđivanju koje se odnose na sudski testament, ukoliko Zakonom o notarima nije drugačije regulisano. To znači da je Zakon o nasljeđivanju lex generalis u odnosu na Zakon o notarima. Prilikom sačinjavanja testamenta u formi notarski obrađene isprave, notar je obavezan utvrditi ispunjenost uslova koji se na osnovu ovih zakona neophodni za njegovu punovažnost. Ovi uslovi mogu biti na strani notara (nadležnost za sastavljanje, ko može u ime notara sastaviti testament itd.) ili na strani zavještaoca (identitet zavještaoca, zavještajna sposobnost, svjedoci identiteta i testamentarni svjedoci, tumači itd.).

Klјučne riječi: notar, notarski obrađena isprava, poslјednja izjava volјe – testament pred notarom, zavještalac

Notarial will

Abstract: As part of the general reform of Civil Legislation in 2004, the institute of a Notary was introduced into the legal system of the Republic of Srpska. By introducting notariate the primary goal of the legislator was to unload the courts, i.e. to transfer certain activities from the jurisdiction of the courts to notaries. With that in mind, one of more significant activities the court can assign to notaries is composing wills. Notarial will has the significance of a public will, since, inter alia, in the process of its composition provisions of the Inheritance Act are applied which refer to court will, unless the Notaries Act prescribes otherwise. This means that the Inheritance Act is lex generalis in relation to the Notaries Act. In the process of composing a will in the form of a notarial will, the Notary must establish whether all the statutory conditions, providing its validity, are fulfilled. These conditions can be borne by the Notary (the power to compose the will, who can compose the will on his behalf, etc. ) or by the testator (identity of the testator, testating capacity, identity witnesses, and witnesses to the will, interpretors, etc.).
Key words: Notary, notarial document, last expression of will – notarial will, testator.