Relationship Between the Police and the Prosecutor’s Offi ce in Individual European Countries
Abstract: One of the main characteristics of the investigation in Germany is that the public prosecutor is in charge of investigation and the role of the police mainly depends on whether and to what extent the public prosecutor will entrust them with undertaking investigative actions. France has retained the division into inquests and investigation, as well as a powerful investigative judge. When a formal investigation is optional (it is obligatory only in the event of crimes) and is not conducted, inquests are the only form of preliminary proceedings. Preliminary investigations (inquests) are conducted by the judicial police, at the request of a public prosecutor or ex officio. The Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Italy, which was adopted in 1988 and which came into force in 1989, with its subsequent amendments, is significant, among other things, for introducing the accusatory model of criminal procedure instead of the inquisitorial one included in the Criminal Procedure Code of 1930 that was revoked when the new Criminal Procedure Code came into force.
Ključne riječi: prosecutor, police, investigation, invetigation supervision.
Rezime: Jedna od glavnih karakteristika istrage u Njemačkoj jeste da je javni tužilac glavni subjekt istrage i da uloga policije najvećim dijelom zavisi od toga da li će i u kojoj mjeri će joj javni tužilac povjeritipreuzimanje istražnih rdanji. Francuska je zadržala podjelu na izvide i istragu, kao i jakog istražnog sudiju. Kada je formalna istraga fakultativna (obligatorna je samo u slučaju zločina – crimes) pa se ne provodi, izvidi su jedini oblik prethodnog postupka. Prethodnu istragu (izvide) vodi sudska policija, na zahtjev državnog advokata ili po službenoj dužnosti . Zakonik o krivičnom postupku Republike Italije koji je donesen 1988. godine, a počeo je da se primenjuje 1989. godine, sa kasnijim izmenama i dopunama, pored ostalog, značajan je i po tome što uvodi akuzatorski model krivičnog postupka umjesto inkvizitorskog koji je bio zastupljen u Zakaonu o krivičnom postupku iz 1930. godine i koji je prestao da važi stupanjem na snagu novog Zakonika.
Ključne riječi: tužilac, policija, istraga, nadzor nad istragom.