Some Nomotechnical Weaknesses of the Regulation of Presidential Functions and Powers in the Serbian Constitution of 2006
Summary: The present Constitution of the Republic of Serbia from 2006 cannot be unfortunately praised for the style it was written in and the quality of its systematics. In addition to the multitude of content-questionable solutions it envisa ges, nomotechnical omissions of various kinds often make it diffi cult to interpret or simply create various problems in practice. In this paper, the author presents and analyzes some of the errors and omissions of the Serbian Constitution in the domain of regulations of the President of the Republic, as well as those that stand in an indirect relationship with the head of state. From the lack of systematics of the norms regulating president’s constitutional position, which practically restricts systemic interpretation to evident mistakes ranging from terminological to those with signifi cant concrete and practical consequences (such as inadvertent determination of the type of electoral system), the constitutional regulation of the function of the President of the Republic demands its revision, during which special care should be taken in order not to repeat the mistakes present in the present constitutional framework of the Republic of Serbia.
Keywords: Constitution of Serbia from 2006; the President of the Republic; nomotechnics; constitutional law.
Rezime: Važeći Ustav Republike Srbije iz 2006. godine se nažalost ne može pohvaliti dobrim sti lom i kvalitetnom sistemati kom. Pored mnoštva sadržinski upitnih rešenja koja predviđa, nomotehnički propusti različiti h vrsta neretko otežavaju njegovo tumačenje ili prosto prave probleme u praksi. U ovom radu autor navodi i analizira niz grešaka i propusta srpskog Ustava u domenu regulati ve predsednika Republike, ili pak one koji sa šefom države stoje u jednom posrednom odnosu. Od manjkavos ti sistemati ke ovlašćenja predsednika, koja prakti čno onemogućava sistemsko tumačenje, pa do grešaka koje se kreću od terminoloških pa sve do onih sa značajnim konkretnim posledicama (poput npr. nehoti čnog određenja ti pa izbornog sistema), ustavna regulati va funkcije predsednika Republike iziskuje, kao i čitav Ustav, reviziju, prilikom koje će se voditi brižljivo računa da se ne ponove greške prisutne u važećem ustavnom okviru Republike Srbije.
Ključne riječi: Ustav Srbije iz 2006; predsednik Republike; nomotehnika; ustavno pravo.