Presumptions for Acquisition of Right to Build
Summary: The right to build as a legal phenomenon from time to time leads to the need to analyze how existing solutions or solutions are subsequently imposed by special regulations on right to build. All of this stems from the premise that the right to build is a dynamic category that changes according to social needs in social and economic terms, which necessarily results in its legal adaptation. Such processes, through which the right of construction passes, undergoe the traces which have the need to be re-examined and analyzed as a phenomenon from the aspect of legal theory and practice. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to address the segment that essentially has the presumptions for the acquisition of right to build, which arise from the causal legal relationship underlying the right to build. Presumptions for the acquisition of right to build are determined for the basic hypothesis, which will be elaborated by analysis and critical review of individual cases, and an explanation of the legal phenomenon regarding the presumptions for the acquisition of right to build, using the theoretical-normative method or the deductive-inductive method with the aim of clarifi cation of the problem of legal presumptions in the emergence of right to build. In addition, a compara tive or abstract method was used in explaining the facts as the premise of the determination and nature of the presumptions for acquisition the right to build.
Key words: legal presumptions, right to build, land, building.
Rezime: Pravo građenja kao pravni fenomen s vremena na vrijeme dovede do potrebe da se analizira kako po postojećim rješenjima ili rješenjima koja se naknadno nametnu specijalnim propisima o pravu građenja, motiviralo je autora ovog rada da ponovo istraži problem sticanja prava rađenja, jer su se u praksi i teoriji pojavile neke novine po pitanju sticanja prava građenja i koje još nisu u svemu na detaljan način pojašnjene. Izvođenjem pojedinačnih i općeg zaključka u ovom radu nakon što je izvršena analiza i dat kritički osvrt na pojedine slučajeve, autor je imao za cilj da odgovori na postavljenu hipotezu, kao opravdanom i objektivnom da se ponovo na jedan drugačiji način preispita i pojasni fenomen prava građenja u njegovom nastajanju. Za bolje razumijevanje i lakše pojašnjenje fenomena pretpostavki za sticanje prava građenja, autor ovoga rada se, prije
svega, poslužio teorijsko-normativnim odnosno deduktivnoinduk tivnim metodom, a za bliže pojašnjenje pojma i prirode pretpostavki za sticanje prava građenja korišten je komparativni i apstraktni metod.
Ključne reči: pravne pretpostavke, pravo građenja, zemljište, građevina.