Use of Legally Non-Binding Instruments in Contemporary Practice of International Relations
Abstract: The article explores the use of legally non-binding (informal) instruments in contemporary international practice by international political actors. In this context, the article examines definitions and main characteristics of legally non-binding instruments, as well as their effects. In addition, the use of this type of instruments was assessed as a practical response to the need of concerting between the political actors at the international plane due to their functionality and flexibility. It was concluded that these instruments implied a sotier form, unlike treaties, and the act of their conclusion does not require conducting a formal and cumbersome procedures, such as parliamentary ratification. These instruments imply political commitments between their parties and their eff ects are usually shielded by the bona fi des principle. Although these instruments are generally deprived of legally binding effects, they remain quite pragmatic tools in brokering political agreements at the diplomatic level between relevant international political actors.
Key words: Public International Law, Sources of International Law, Non-binding Instruments, Soft Law, Gentlemen’s Agreement.
Rezime: Članak istražuje upotrebu i značaj pravno neobvezujućih instrumenata u savremenoj međunarodnoj praksi, koje zaključuju međunarodnpravni subjekti . Nadalje, članak ispituje defi nicije i glavne karakteristike ovih instrumenata, kao i njihovo dejstvo. Uz to, razmatrana je upotreba pravno neobvezujućih instrumenata, kao praktičnog odgovora na potrebu usaglašavanja političkih aktera na međunarodnom planu te njihova funkcionalnost i fleksibilnost. Zaključeno je da takvi instrumenti podrazumijevaju “soft ” formu, za razliku od međunarodnih ugovora, te njihovo zaključivanje ne zahtijeva formalne i dugotrajne postupke, poput parlamentarne ratifikacije. Ti instrumenti stvaraju političke obaveze između njihovih strana, a smtra se da je njihovo dejstvo zagarantovano načelom bonae fi dei. Iako su ti instrumenti , u načelu, lišeni pravno obavezujućeg dejstva, oni predstavljaju prilično pragmatična sredstva u postizanju političkih sporazuma na diplomatskom nivou između relevantnih međunarodnih političkih aktera.
Ključne riječi: međunarodno javno pravo, izvori međunarodnog prava, prvano neobvezujući instrumenti , soft law, džentlmenski sporazumi.