Authority of the Party Affected by the Changed Circumstances and Authorisations of the Court
Abstract: Investment in the economy is necessary and essential, and lack of personal funds are overcome by encouraging and attracting foreign investment. Business practice shows that all sophisticated investors and lenders insist on the so-called. pricing schemes, which are adaptable to changing circumstances during long-term contracts with successive or permanent fulfillment. Countries, where most of the international commercial lenders are located, consider that the Fixed Price Contract also includes the division of the business risk. However, per our law, a Fixed Price Contract is not also a redistribution of business risk, which means that in case of external events parties are required to fulfill their obligations. Why is this significant? If there are no contractual provisions, that regulate the contract adjustments related to the changed circumstances, then the used provisions are from the host country which legal terms are determined.
Key words: court authorization, authorization by the party affected of changed circumstances, sanctions.
Ovlašćenja strane pogođene promenjenim okolnostima i ovlašćenja suda
Rezime: Ulaganje u privredu je neophodno i nužno, a nedostatak vlastitih finansijskih sredstava prevazilazimo podsticanjem i privlačenjem inostranih investicija. Poslovna praksa pokazuje da svi sofisticirani investitori i zajmodavci insistiraju na tkz. pricing sheme prilagođavanju promenjenim okolnostima tokom trajanja dugotrajnih ugovora sa sukcesivnim ili trajnim ispunjenjem. Zemlje sedišta glavnih međunarodnih privrednih zajmodavaca uvažavaju pretpostavku da je ugovor sa fiksnom cenom istovremeno i ugovor o preraspodeli poslovnog rizika. Međutim, prema našem pravu, ugovor sa fiksnom cenom nije istovremeno i ugovor o preraspodeli poslovnog rizika, a to znači da ukoliko nastupe spoljni događaji strane su dužne da izvrše svoje obaveze. Zašto je to značajno? Ukoliko ne postoje ugovorne odredbe, koje regulišu usklađivanje ugovora sa promenjenim okolnostima, onda se primenjuju odredbe zemlje domaćina čiji pravi smisao utvrđujemo.
Ključne reči: ovlašćenja suda, ovlašćenja strane pogođene promenjenim okolnostima, sankcije.