Basic Presumptions for Regulation of Bankruptcy of the Insurance Companies

Autori članka: 
Vladimir Čolović
Godina izdavanja članka: 
Broj u godini: 
Apstrak članka: 

Basic Presumptions for Regulation of Bankruptcy of the Insurance Companies

Summary: Bankruptcy proceedings against insurance companies are a special bankruptcy procedure, due to the specific nature of the insurance activity, as well as the status of insurance companies themselves. However, the fact is that, in this procedure, the general bankruptcy procedure is applied, and the rules of the special bankruptcy procedure must also be harmonized with these rules. The basic question that arises in this article is related to the presumptions that need to be defi ned in order to regulate this area, and, in addition, the important issue is also the way of  regulating this area. Namely, the author in the article raises the question whether this matter should be regulated by a law that will refer only to bankruptcy of insurance companies or by the “statutory” law regulating the establishment and operation of this entity. Also, the author in this article also defines the basic presupmtions for bankruptcy of insurance companies, which refer to payrolls (in relation to the type of insurance), bankruptcy administrator, supervision of the operation of these entities, as well as to the transfer of an insurance portiolio that has its specifi cs in regarding the situation when it is not about bankruptcy. The author criticizes the solutions in the legislation of the Republic of Srpska and the Republic of Serbia, and gives proposals for future regulation of this matier. In addition, the author also represents the part of the EU Directive “Solvency II” referring to the liquidation (bankruptcy) of insurance companies.
Key words: insurance companies, bankruptcy, creditors, bankruptcy administrator, special bankruptcy proceeding, insurance portfolio.

Rezime: Stečajni postupak koji se vodi protiv osiguravajućih društava predstavlja poseban stečajni postupak, zbog specifičnosti vezanih za delatnost osiguranja, kao i za sam status osiguravajućih društava. No, činjenica je da se, u ovom postupku, primenjuju i pravila opšteg stečajnog  postupka, a sa tim pravilima moraju biti usklađena i pravila posebnog stečajnog postupka. Osnovno pitanje koje se postavlja u radu, odnosi se na pretpostavke koje je potrebno defi nisati da bi se regulisala ova oblast, a, osim toga, bitno pitanje je i način regulisanja ove oblasti . Naime, autor u radu postavlja pitanje da li je ovu materiju potrebno regulisati zakonom koji će se odnositi samo na stečaj osiguravajućih društava ili „statusnim“ zakonom koji reguliše osnivanje i rad ovog subjekta. Isto tako, u radu se definišu i osnovne pretpostavke za stečaj osiguravajućih društava, a one se odnose na isplatne redove (u odnosu na vrstu osiguranja), stečajnog upravnika, nadzor nad radom ovih subjekata, kao i na prenos portifelja osiguranja koji ima svoje specifičnosti u odnosu na situaciju kada se ne radi o stečaju. Autor u radu kritikuje rešenja u  zakonodavstvima Republike Srpske i Republike Srbije, a daje i predloge za buduće regulisanje ove materije. Osim toga, autor prikazuje i deo Direktive EU „Solventnost II“ koji se odnosi na likvidaciju (stečaj) osiguravajućih društava.
Ključne reči: osiguravajuća društva, stečaj, poverioci, stečajni upravnik, poseban stečajni postupak, portifelj osiguranja.