Constitution of Republika Srpska and Unconstitutional Deprivation of Natural Persons’ Ability to Postulate
Summary: One unconstitutional situation caused by unconstitutional article 301b. of the Law on civil procedure is subject of this paper. Limitation of the constitutional right of any party to postulate in front of the court in civil procedure is prescribed in Republika Srpska in 2013, by article 301b, despite the fact that such limitation is not prescribed in the Constitution of Republika Srpska. Author in the paper, having used comparative metod to get full knowledge of this problem, analyse relevant provisions of the Constitution of Republika Srbija, in order to explain that same problem exist there also. Atier that the provisions of the Constitution of Republika Srpska are analysed, because from these provisions can be made conclusion on unconstitutionality of article 301b. of the Law on civil procedure. In the final part the author gives proposal how to solve this unconstitutional situation.
Key words: ability to postulate, civil procedure party, legal remedies, constitutional right on legal remedy, constitutionality.
Rezime: Predmet ovog rada je jedno neustavno stanje uzrokovano neustavnim članom 301b. Zakona o parničnom postupku. Tim članom 2013. godine uvedeno je ograničenje postulacione sposobnosti stranaka u parničnom postupku, uprkos tome što to nije propisano Ustavom Republike Srpske. U radu autor, upotrebom komparativnog metoda radi potpunije spoznaje problema, najprije analizira relevantne ustavne odredbe iz Ustava Republike Srbije, kako bi pokazao da isti problem postoji i u Srbiji. Potom su analizirane odredbe Ustava Republike Srpske iz kojih proizlazi neustavnost člana 301b. Zakona o parničnom postupku. U završnom dijelu autor daje prijedlog kako bi ovo neustavno stanje trebalo razriješiti .
Ključne riječi: postulaciona sposobnost, parnična stranka, pravna sredstva, ustavno pravo na pravno sredstvo, ustavnost.