Coordination of Bankruptcy Proceedings
- with special emphasis to the the transfer of bankruptcy assets and to bankruptcy of a members of group of companies
Abstract: The possibility to start against the debtor more bankruptcy proceeding, of which one is main bankruptcy, and the other are secondaries or specials, has led to the necessity of defining the rules governing coordination of these proceedings, in order to achieve the unity of the bankruptcy assets and to the equal settlement of creditors. Today, national laws and international statutory sources contain rules governing the coordination of bankruptcy proceedings. However, these rules have their basis in Private International Law. The author presents the rules of the EU Regulation No. 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings, then the rules of Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, and, also, the rules of the USA legislature. The paper analyzes the status of the foreign bankruptcy decision on the territory of the country of recognition, then, the relationship and cooperation between the subjects referred to bankruptcy proceedings, in particular between the bankruptcy trustees, as well as between foreign bankruptcy trustee and the court, and the transfer of bankruptcy assets from the secondary to the main bankruptcy proceeding, which defines the status of the main relative to the secondary proceeding. Special attention is paid to bankruptcy of a members of group of companies.
Key words: main bankruptcy proceeding, secondary bankruptcy proceeding, cooperation, foreign bankruptcy trustee, foreign bankruptcy decision.
Koordinacija stečajnih postupaka – sa posebnim osvrtom na transfer sredstava stečajne mase i stečaj povezanih društava
Mogućnost da se protiv stečajnog dužnika pokrene više stečajnih postupaka, od kojih je jedan glavni, a ostali sekundarni ili posebni, dovela je do neophodnosti definisanja pravila koja regulišu koordinaciju tih postupaka, kako bi se postiglo jedinstvo stečajne mase i ravnomerno namirenje poverilaca. Danas i nacionalni zakoni, kao i međunarodni izvori sadrže osnovna pravila koordinacije postupaka. Međutim, ta pravila imaju svoj osnov u Međunarodnom privatnom pravu. Autor u radu predstavlja pravila Uredbe EU br. 848/2015 Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta od 20. maja 2015.godine o postupku u slučaju insolventnosti, zatim Model-zakona o prekograničnoj insolventnosti Komisije UN za međunarodno trgovačko pravo, kao i zakonodavstvo SAD. U radu se analizira status strane stečajne odluke na teritoriji zemlje priznanja, zatim, odnos i saradnja između subjekata navedenih stečajnih postupaka, a naročito između stečajnih upravnika, kao i između stranog stečajnog upravnika i suda, kao i transfer sredstava stečajne mase iz sekundarnog u glavni stečajni postupak, čime se definiše status glavnog u odnosu na sekundarni postupak. Posebna pažnja se posvećuje stečaju povezanih društava.
Ključne reči: glavni stečajni postupak, sekundarni stečajni postupak, saradnja, strani stečajni upravnik, strana stečajna odluka.