Dissolution of Federalism in Yugoslavia
Abstract: The author gives an overview of the development of the federal system in Yugoslavia since the end of World War II until its complete collapse of the nineties. One of the reason for establishing the federalism in the former Yugoslavia, was the way to resolve the national question, considering Yugoslavia was a multi-ethnic state. But this desire is never, in fact, did not fulfill, at least not consistently. Determination of boundaries between the future federal units did not correspond to historical and national standards and about them was not enacted any legal act. Also, the creation of autonomous provinces only in a one federal unit led to gross violations of the constitutional status of Serbia, to its unequal position compared to the other republics, to breaking of its integrity, etc. All of this along with the fact that the country was not introduce a true democracy, eventually led to a sort of confederation, and ultimately the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
Keywords: Federalism, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Autonomous provinces, Constitution, federal units.
Raspad federalizma u Jugoslaviji
Rezime: U članku autor daje prikaz razvoja federativnog uređenja u Jugoslaviji od završetka Drugog svetskog rata, pa do njenog potpunog sloma devedesetih godina prošlog veka. Jedan od razloga za prihvatanje federalizma u Jugoslaviji je bio način da se reši nacionalno pitanje, obzirom da je Jugoslavija bila multietnička država. Međutim ta želja se nikada, u suštini, nije ispunila, barem ne dosledno. Određivanje granica budućih federalnih jedinica nisu odgovarale istorijskim i nacionalnim merilima i o njima nije bio donet bilo kakav pravni akt. Takođe i stvaranje autonomnih pokrajina samo u jednoj federalnoj jedinici dovelo je do grubog narušavanja ustavnog statusa Srbije, do njenog neravnopravnog položaja u odnosu na druge republike, do razbijanja njene celovitosti, itd. Sve rečeno uz činjenicu da u državi nije postojala prava demokratija, dovelo je vremenom do jedne vrste konfederalizacije, a na kraju i dezintegracije Jugoslavije.
Ključne reči: Federalizam, Jugoslavija, Srbija, Autonomne pokrajine, Ustav, federalne jedinice.