Legal recourse and subrogation in insurance for self-responsibility
Summary: This paper discusses the legal solutions and certain disputable legal issues for the realization of the right to recourse insurer against the responsible person in the court proceedings in the case of compulsory liability insurance of owners or users of motor vehicles for the damage caused to third parties.
The paper deals with the legal solutions governing the transition of the damaged claims as a creditor in the Secured Fund and the Green Card Bureau of Insurers in the case when the aforementioned insurers pays the compensation for damage to the injured party.
Keywords: Recovery, self-insurence, estate insurence , the insurer, the insured, responsible person, the damaged third party, subrogation.
Regres i zakonska subrogacija u osiguranju od autodgovornosti
Rezime: U referatu se razmatraju zakonska rješenja i određena sporna pravna pitanja za ostvarenje prava na regres osiguravača prema odgovornom licu u sudskom postupku u slučaju obaveznog osiguranja od odgovornosti vlasnika odnosno korisnika motornih vozila za štete pričinjene trećim licima.
Predmet razmatranja su i zakonska rješenja kojima se uređuje prelaz potraživanja oštećenog kao povjerioca na Zaštitini fond i Biro zelene karte osiguravača u slučaju kada pomenuti osiguravači isplate naknadu štetu oštećenom licu.
Ključne riječi: regres, osiguranje od autoodgovornosti, osiguranje imovine, osiguravač, osiguranik, odgovorno lice, oštećeno treće lice, subrogacija