Market Concentration and Market Power

Autori članka: 
Aleksandar Bogojević
Godina izdavanja članka: 
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Apstrak članka: 

Market Concentration and Market Power

Abstract: Contemporary directions of the market liberalization should lead to a bigger number of market participants and to a bigger degree of competition among them. This again, leads to a more diversified offer and to bigger quality products along with higher level of services with cheaper rates. In order to control the mentioned processes, analysis of market concentration is needed, as well as studying and perfection of the methods that allow measurement of market concentration. The degree of market concentration which on a specific market one or more economic subjects have is defined as ‘’market power’’. Economic efficiency on a specific market largely depends on whether non competitive market structures which produce adverse effects on economic efficiency are existent on that market, which ultimately affects on the overall well – being. Conversance of the degree of concentration of a specific (relevant) market is important so that breaching of the market principles can be timely spotted and so that appropriate measures can be taken. Supervision over the market and the market processes, as well as appliance of specific measuring methods of market concentration have the goal of establishing and maintenance of free market competition in which all of the economic subjects participate under the same conditions.
Keywords: competition, market, market concentration measuring, market power, economic efficiency

Koncentrisanost tržišta i tržišna moć

Rezime: Savremeni pravci liberalizacije tržišta trebaju da vode većem broju tržišnih učesnika i većem stepenu konkurencije među njima. Ovo opet vodi ka raznovrsnijoj ponudi i kvalitetnijim proizvodima uz viši nivo usluga po povoljnijim cijenama. Da bi se se kontrolisali navedeni procesi potrebno je vršiti analize koncentrisanosti tržišta, te proučavati i usavršavati metode koje omogućavaju mjerenje koncentrisanosti tržišta. Stepen koncentrisanosti koji na nekom tržištu ima jedan ili više privrednih subjekata se označava kao ‘’tržišna moć’’. Ekonomska efikasnost na određenom tržištu uveliko zavisi od toga da li na njemu postoje nekonkurentne tržišne strukture, koje proizvode nepovoljne posljedice po ekonomsku efikasnost, što u krajnjem slučaju utiče na ukupno društveno blagostanje. Poznavanje stepena koncentrisanosti nekog (relevantnog) tržišta je bitno da bi se na vrijeme uočilo narušavanje tržišnih principa i da bi se shodno tome preduzele odgovarajuće mjere. Nadzor nad tržištem i tržišnim procesima, kao i primjena specifičnih metoda mjerenja koncetrisanosti tržišta, imaju za cilj uspostavljanje i održavanje slobodne tržišne konkurencije u kojoj svi privredni subjekti učestvuju pod jednakim uslovima.

Ključne riječi: konkurencija, tržište, mjerenje koncentrisanosti tržišta, tržišna moć, ekonomska efikasnost.