A Search Warrant Submited Verbally and Legality of Evidence
Abstract: Criminal Procedure Code of Republika Srpska defines that a search of dwellings, other premises and persons can be permitted, with certain exceptions, only with a search warrant issued by the preliminary proceedings judge. A search warrant is issued under the conditions provided by the Code, at the request of the prosecutor or at the request of authorized officials obtained an approval by the prosecutor. A request for the issuance of a search warrant may be submitted in writing or verbally. If the request is submitted verbally, preliminary proceedings judge is obliged to record the communication appropriately, but the requesting official shall draft the warrant. Author of the paper deals with issues related to failure of the preliminary proceedings judge to record „all of the remaining communication“ after the verbally request for a search warrant was made, and judges influence to legality of evidence obtained on a basis of such a warrant. Observes all that trough the rules which are regulating the procedure, decisions of ordinary courts of law and the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, trying to find an answer to the question: is the essence of this institute presented by its form or its contents. Proper implementation of evaluation of evidence and the possibility to use the evidence in criminal procedure, human rights protection, compliance of the principle of legality, and, very often, the epilogue of criminal procedure depends from the answer to this question.
Key words: warrant, search, verbally request, remaining communication, legality of evidence, court.
Naredba za pretresanje na osnovu usmenog zahtjeva i zakonitost dokaza
Rezime: Zakonom o krivičnom postupku Republike Srpske propisano je da se pretresanje stana, prostorija i lica može izvršiti, uz određene izuzetke, samo na osnovu naredbe sudije za prethodni postupak. Naredba se izdaje po propisanom postupku na osnovu pismenog ili usmenog prijedloga (zahtjeva) tužioca ili ovlašćenih službenih lica. Sudija je dužan da usmeni zahtjev na odgovarajući način zabilježi, a podnosilac zahtjeva sam da sastavi odobrenu naredbu. Autor se u radu bavi problematikom propuštanja sudije da zabilježi „dalji tok razgovora“ nakon podnošenja usmenog zahtjeva za izdavnje naredbe za pretresanje i njegovim uticajem na zakonitost dokaza koji su na osnovu takve naredbe pribavljeni. Sve to posmatra kroz odredbe kojima je postupak uređen, odluke redovnih sudova i Ustavnog suda BiH, nastojeći da pronađe odgovor na pitanje da li suštinu ovog instituta predstavlja forma ili njegova sadržina. Od odgovora na ovo pitanje zavisi pravilna ocjena zakonitosti dokaza i mogućnost njihovog korišćenja u krivičnom postupku, zaštita ljudskih prava, poštovanje principa zakonitosti, a često i sam ishod krivičnog postupka.
Ključne riječi: naredba, pretresanje, usmeni zahtjev, tok razgovora, zakonitost dokaza, sud.