Some Issues Related to the Constitution of Serbia
Abstract: The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia from 2006. has been the subject of sharp criticism of many legal experts. The way it was written, adopted and approved in the referendum, for sure it can’t be a praiseworthy example of legality and, with some of its controversial solutions, it inevitably indicates the necessity to be altered. These problematic Constitutional provisions are the subject of this article. Starting from the very preamble of the Constitution, unnecessarily discriminating position between the autonomous provinces, politicizing and the non-coexistence of the Constitutional text could be clearly observed. The Constitutional attack on the freedom of parliamentary mandate has been causing constant and numerous criticism of domestic and foreign public but at no time it did not make most of the parties hesitate to use their unfairly acquired right. Decentralization always causes a live debate, proposing various models and modalities, but only few of them could be possibly finalized by a general consensus. Serbian firm commitment to become a member of the European Union, at one point calls for a constitutional revision which would transfer the execution of certain part of sovereign rights to that supra-national organization. We could only hope that the political elite will not use any future reform to violate guaranteed constitutional rights, as was the case with the reform of the judiciary. Amending the Constitution has been always a difficult and time consuming process, hence the sooner the amending starts, the more likely are the chances to have it completed in democratic and tolerant atmosphere for the benefit of all citizens of Serbia.
Keywords: Constitution, Serbia, Preamble, Parliamentary mandate, Decentralization.
Neka pitanja u vezi sa Ustavom Srbije
Rezime: Od samog donošenja Ustav Republike Srbije od 2006. godine je predstavljao predmet oštrih kritika mnogih pravnih stručnjaka. Način na koji je pisan, donesen, usvojen na referendumu i sproveden ne predstavlja primer legalnosti i demokratičnosti. Ako uzmemo u obzir i neka kontroverzna ustavna rešenja, onda ne treba da začudi činjenica da se od trenutka usvajanja Ustava, govori o njegovoj promeni i donošenju novog. Autor se osvrnuo na neka od tih kontroverznih pitanja kao što su preambula, poslanički mandat, decentralizacija, pravosuđe, klauzula prenosa suvereniteta, sprovođenje i promena Ustava, o kojima bi valjalo porazmisliti da li zaslužuju da budu deo novog Ustava ili ih ustavotvorac treba promeniti, odnosno ukinuti.
Ključne riječi: Ustav, Srbija, preambula, poslanički mandat, decentralizacija