Civil Responsibility For Secondary Damages In Medicine
Abstract: The paper discusses the concept and types of secondary damage in medicine, the assumptions for the development of civil responsibility of medical institutions and health workers for secondary damage, and attempts to answer the question of whether this kind of civil liability for damage resulting from breach of contract on health (doctor’s) service or from non-contractual legal relationship causing damage.
Keywords: health institutions, health worker, primary and secondary damage, contract doctor’s service, liability for damages.
Građanska odgovornost za sekundarne medicinske štete
Rezime: U radu se raspravlja o pojmu i vrstama sekundarne štete u medicini, pretpostavkama za nastanak građanske odgovornosti medicinskih ustanova i zdravstvenih radnika za sekundarne štete, te pokušava dati odgovor na pitanje da li ova vrsta građanske odgovornosti za štetu proističe iz povrede ugovora o zdravstvenoj (ljekarskoj) usluzi ili pak iz vanugovornog građansko-pravnog odnosa prouzrokovanja štete.
Ključne riječi: zdravstvena ustanova, zdravstveni radnik, primarna i sekudarna šteta, ugovor o ljekarskoj usluzi, odgovornost za štetu.