Fiduciary Transfer of Property

Autori članka: 
Duško Medić
Godina izdavanja članka: 
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Fiduciary Transfer of Property

Summary:The article deals with the Institute of fiduciary transfer of property as a security means of debit claims and also deals with necessity to initiate that institute into a legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Fiduciary legal affair is a prerequisite for aquiring fiduciary property. This is basically a state of affairs in which the debtor is obliged to transfer his right ( mostly the property) to the fiduciary and the fiduciary is obliged to execute that right and after the completion of necessary presumptions return it to the debtor. The author is of the opinion that it is a positive thing that the aforementioned Institute has not been initiated into the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina as yet, because similar results are being achieved by means of registered pledge which creates less uncertainty and also less risk for the debtor in reality.
Key words: fiduciary legal affair, fiduciary transfer of property, fiduciary property, security of debit claims.

Rezime: U radu se obrađuje institut fiducijarnog prenosa svojine kao sredstva obezbjeđenja potraživanja i razmatra potreba njegovog uvođenja u pravni sistem Bosne i Hercegovine. Osnov za sticanje fiducijarne svojine je fiducijarni pravni posao. To je takav posao u kome se dužnik obavezuje  da svoje pravo (najčešće svojinu) prenese povjeriocu, a ovaj se obavezuje da to pravo vrši i po ispunjenju potrebnih pretpostavki vrati nazad dužniku. Autor smatra da je dobro što ovaj institut, za sada, nije našao svoje mjesto u pravnom sistemu Bosne i Hercegovine, jer se slični efekti postižu uz pomoć registarske zaloge koja u praksi izaziva mnogo manje nedoumica i nosi manje opasnost za dužnika.
Ključne riječi: fiducijarni pravni posao, fiducijarni prenos svojine, fiducijarna svojina, obezbjeđenje potraživanja