Rights of Insurance Holders to the Compensation Damage in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Summary: The importance of the pension system in a society requires finding an optimal legal soluti on tailored to the needs, possibilities, and new changes in that system and society in general. Transition processes that Bosnia and Herzegovina has to adapt to in all spheres of life, the specificity of state regulation, the entity autonomy in the field of pension insurance, during one period the lack of a model for creating or reforming their own model of the pension system is the cause of slow reforms in this area. Thus, the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was passed in 1998., applied for 20 years, despite its many shortcomings and overcrowding. This particularly refers to the fact that this Law did not provide protection to the Pension Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the insurance carrier in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in terms of the right to compensation for damages that should have been exercised in court proceedings under general regulations, i.e. the Law on Obligations, and the case law did not “allow” it. Due to the lack of norms that would prescribe these rights, has caused the Pension Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina over the course of the last 20 years unbelievable damage. This situation lasted until the adoption of the new Law on Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (New Law on Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of BiH), which came to power on March 1, 2018. Finally, this law prescribes the right of the insurance carrier to compensation of damages.
Keywords: pension system, pension reform, insurance carrier, compensation of damages, overpayment of pensions, effects
Rezime: Značaj penzijskog sistema u jednom društvu zahtijeva iznalaženje optimalnog zakonskog rješenja prilagođenog potrebama, mogućnostima, kao i novonastalim promjenama u tom sistemu i društvu uopšte. Tranzicijski procesi kojima se Bosna i Hercegovina mora prilagoditi u svim sferama života, specifičnost državnog uređenja, entitetska autonomija u oblasti penzijskog osiguranja, u jednom periodu nedostatak modela po kojem bi bila kreirana, odnosno reformisala vlastiti model penzijskog sistema, uzrok su sporih reformi u toj oblasti . Tako se Zakon o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine donešen 1998. godine, primjenjivao 20 godina, unatoč njegovim mnogobrojnim nedostacima i prevaziđenosti . Ovo se posebno odnosi na činjenicu, što taj Zakon nije pružao žaštitu penzi jskom Fondu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, nosiocu osiguranja u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine, u smislu prava na naknadu štete, koju je trebalo ostvarivati u sudskim postupcima po opšti m propisima, odnosno Zakonu o obligacionim odnosima, a sudska praksa to nije „dozvoljavala“. Nedostatak normi koje bi propisivale ovo pravo, penzijskom Fondu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine kroz 20 godina nanijelo je nemjerljivu štetu. Ovakvo stanje trajalo je sve do donošenja Novog Zakona o PIO Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (Novi zakon o PIO F BiH), čija je primjena počela 01.03.2018. godine. Konačno, ovaj Zakon propisuje pravo nosioca osiguranja na naknadu štete.
Ključne riječi: penzijski sistem, penzijska reforma, nosilac osiguranja, naknada štete, preplata penzije, efekti.